Ragnarok Online

it's a 2.5D mmorpg from 2002 that is pretty party-based (most players are quite friendly, it's always been super easy for me to find parties to level up together in dungeons)

sadly, the original company who made RO are very incompetent, but private servers have thrived for as long as they could (and some still do)

i personally love ragnarok's customization, and even if it depends on the private server anyone plays on, there's always such a good selection of cosmetics and dyes

there's always people hanging out in the main town, called "Prontera"

and it has a very nice variety of classes you can choose from, people always end up playing multiple of them
the soundtrack's absolutely great

and the art there is for it is too

this is where i got my name from,, the kafra corporation, which is a company of maids that offer multiple services to all adventurers
this is the best gameplay footage i can find, because for some reason every ro player loves putting music over their videos (i'll update this link later if i do find better footage in my videos folder, i just have to sort it so i can find it)
update: there's actually such good raw footage WoE (war of emperium, basically guild vs guild vs guild vs guild) and it's insane. there is a lot going on and it's just really cool lol

there is soooo much to ragnarok online... and i would gladly talk about it more... but i'll do that at another time